Our Services
Corporate Accounting Services
- Accounts planning and preparation for UK trading and holding companies; including LLPs
- Preparation & filing of corporation tax returns and computations.
- Bookkeeping
- VAT registration application and preparation & filing of VAT returns
- Payroll & associated services
- Consolidated financial statements
- ATED returns
Personal Tax Services
- Individual income tax return
- Review of your UK tax position
- Registering you with HM Revenue & Customs for a UTR number
- Dealing with the preparation and filing of past self-assessment tax returns
- UK taxation advice relevant to your personal situation
- Application for Tax Residence Certificates
UK Company Services
If you wish to set up a UK company to for group holdings, domestic and international trade or intellectual property maximisation we can help you with all aspects from formation to annual statutory maintenance and compliance.
We can assist with the formation and statutory maintenance of a LTD, PLC and LLP entity
We provide estate planning consultancy. We register yachts and aircrafts in multiple jurisdictions. Additionally we provide crewing and personnel services and administration of ownership structures.
Limited Companies – LTD
The most commonly used corporate form is the Limited Company (LTD). It is the equivalent of an Italian SRL.
A limited company is the most common form of a company in the UK. The formation is done electronically through software linked directly to Companies House and the new company will be registered within one or two days.
The minimum paid-up share capital is £100. The corporate purpose is very broad allowing you to use the Ltd according to your needs and business opportunities. We can provide registered officers.
Public Limited Company – PLC
Unlike the Ltd a Joint stock company must have a minimum authorized capital of £50,000, a quarter must be paid-up immediately in order to make the PLC fully operational. It requires at least two owners (shareholders) and two directors and a company secretary. Your physical presence in London is not required. No residency restrictions are required from the parties involved.
Limited Liabilities Partnership – LLP
An LLP is a form of legal business entity with limited liability. Two or more individuals or companies may form an LLP. Whilst the business is legally a body corporate and in many ways similar to a LTD, the partners can limit their personal liability and avoid putting their personal assets at risk. An LLP is taxed as a partnership. An important feature of an LLP, which distinguishes it from a limited company, is that the members are able to agree on the rights and duties that they owe each other.
Banking Services
Opening current accounts: We can assist you with the opening and management of a corporate current account for UK trading companies
Corporate current accounts: UK residence of directors and shareholders is required
Trusts and Foundations
We have been providing trust and fiduciary services for three decades in numerous jurisdictions.
These structures are used for asset protection, succession planning, discretion as well as compliant tax planning. We form trusts, foundations and hybrids for families who require secure yet flexible asset protection. We draft trust deeds, prepare trust accounts, act as trustees and protectors.
We can provide a comprehensive and coordinated service to high net worth families.
Besides the financial, legal, tax, asset and investment management we are also able to assist with concierge and personal demands of family members including assistance with international philanthropic wishes.
Formation and Administration Services of Offshore Entities
Through our affiliated companies Western Hong Kong Limited and Western BV Limited we can assist you with the formation and annual maintenance of offshore companies in jurisdictions such as Panama, New Zealand, Canada, Ireland, the BVI, the USA and UAE.
Please contact Irene Potter at info@westernhk.com for more details and to discuss your specific needs.